“You are in my way so I will hug you.”

On Twitter we can (and do) encounter many things – banal, outrageous, bland, horrifying and uplifting.  I am not into the first four categories but the uplifting ones ride high on my horizon.  Here’s one by a Jake Parker:

“My boy Calvin taught us all a lesson here in the Parker home:

In our narrow hallway his sister was unintentionally blocking his path. He didn’t shove her out of the way or ask her to move.

Instead he hugged her, saying, “You are in my way so I will hug you.”

Kudos to Calvin for his kind act.  And to his dad for the good fortune to witness this event and to appreciate its value.

It would be nice if every kindness could be seen so clearly. (Perhaps it is.)  In how many hallways have I made such a positive/loving response? Not enough, I’m sure.

OK, holding the door for someone immediately comes to mind.  But often I expect a thanks or a nod in return – an acknowledgment.  If neither comes then I may take note, label the door-held recipient as ungrateful, uncivil.  Worse, I begin to shift my perception of others.  I’ve asked myself if I can get through the doorway without needing to hold that door? Ridiculous evasion of common courtesy, I’ll admit.

Reading about this hallway event between a brother and sister brought up a cascade of introspections.  I enjoy walking down such interior hallways.

So, will I hold a door for someone?  Yes.  Will I expect gratitude?  Probably.  Will I grouse when my door holding is taken for granted?  Perhaps… but maybe not.

I’m feeling that next time I might try to not expect a thanks, to not pull out my ledger of gratefulness.  Maybe I’ll let some other accountant do those numbers.  I never liked bookkeeping anyway.

And maybe I’ll try to be more creative in response to obstacles, human or otherwise.  I might have a much better time.  That is, I might smile for no reason.  And I might get a hug.

Jake Parker is a comics short-story creator, concept artist, illustrator, and animator (see: mrjakeparker.com).

In the above photo, Kevin holds Pixie, our mini-schnauzer, while we enjoyed this beach view.

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