Stubbornly So…

I’ve noticed a lot of stubborness lately. If you think that compromise is dead, you’re probably right. We are fixated on being right and, more importantly, for these others – the ‘not us’ – as being wrong. TBH, I lose track of who is correct and what they’re correct about!

And if you’re wrong with someone does that mean you’re right with someone else? Or are you lost in a no-man’s land of purgatory-like isolation. These curious questions are probably why I am rather solitary. No, downright solitary! The company in my mind is both refreshing and lively.

While searching for an image to accompany the title, ‘Stubbornly so…’, I thought of my favorite creature – a donkey. The phrase, ‘stubborn as a mule,’ is ubiquitous characterization for this animal and I rather object to this stereotype!